Royal Mail are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the animation studio Aardman Productions with a set of eight stamps. The stamps feature well known characters from their films and TV shows: Rocky & Ginger - Chicken Run (2nd class); Feathers McGraw - The Wrong Trousers (2nd class); Wallace & Gromit (1st class); Frank - Creature Comforts (1st class); Timmy - Shaun the Sheep, Timmy Time (£1.85); Morph & Chas - The Amazing Adventures of Morph & More (£1.85); Robin - Robin Robin 2021 (£2.55) and Shaun & Bitzer - Shaun the Sheep (£2.55).
The Gold 500 cover image is framed by a 22ct gold-blocked border and bears a Ormskirk, Liverpool handstamp for the location of Farmer Ted's Adventure Farm, the UK's only Shaun the Sheep attraction. Numbered limited edition of 500.