Our Island's History Covers

442 products

Showing 385 - 408 of 442 products

Showing 385 - 408 of 442 products
125th Anniversary Birth of Harold Macmillan
The New £10 Note
The New £10 Note
Sale price£8.25
100th Anniversary - Treaty of Versailles came into effect
150th Anniversary - Elementary Education Act
100th Anniversary - Birth of Athur C Clarke
75th Anniversary Death of David Lloyd George
180th Anniversary Penny Black
175th Anniversary Birth of Thomas Barnardo
New Prime Minister - Boris Johnson
75th Anniversary United Nations Formally Established
850th Anniversary Assassination Thomas Becket
LLoyd George First PM to Occupy Chequers
150th Anniversary Foundation of Rugby Union
75th Anniversary Nationalisation of the Bank of England
150th Anniversary First Postcards with Pre-printed Stamp
75th Anniversary of London Airport
Dedication of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior
First Rugby Union Football International Match
100th Anniversary Birth of Sir Peter Ustinov
Centenary of the 1921 Partition of the Island of Ireland

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